We about us 


On October 30, 1998, the founding meeting of the fishing association Kanalfreunde took place in the restaurant "Dorfschänke" in Offenbüttel. The philosophy of the association is to offer anglers who only want to pursue their hobby in the North-Ostsee-Canal (NOK) a club home with socially acceptable contributions. Thirty-seven interested anglers attended the founding meeting at the time. The name of the association was

>Angelverein Kanalfreunde Offenbüttel<

 (Fishing Club Canal Friends Offenbüttel).

The association is to be entered in the register of associations (e.V.) at the district court.  The wish of the founding meeting is to join the Association of German Sport Fishermen (VDSF), today DAFV, the Schleswig-Holstein State Sports Fishermen's Association (LSFV) and the district sports fishermen's association Dithmarschen.  The annual fee is 15 DM (today 15 €).

Community fishing of a competitive nature is deliberately dispensed with. The Assembly commissions Ernst Schatt and Peter Hermann Sticken.

The first annual general meeting in January 1999 confirms the concept with which the association advertises. More than 90 active and passive members have already registered. The 1st elected Board of Directors is composed as follows: 1st Chairman Peter Hermann Sticken, 2nd Chairman Ernst Schatt, Treasurer Carsten Dieter Jörgens, Secretary Gisela Schatt, Angelwart Herbert Truffel. The annual fee is confirmed at this Annual General Meeting and is still valid today. It is decided that the members meet twice a year in a convivial round (summer and autumn fun) for the purpose of maintaining contact. These meetings are still held today.  Currently (April 2018) the fishing association Kanalfreunde Offenbüttel e.V. has more than 560 active and passive members from all over the Federal Republic. In many cases, our members use the fishing facilities in the NOK as part of a holiday. You will enjoy a varied fishing, because many sea types up to the dream ships employ the anglers fishing technically and visually quite intensively! Fishing or fishing holidays at the NOK is always an experience.  But also the attractive region on both sides of the NOK leads to extensive excursions.  New is the nature experience space "Offenbüttler Moor".  The possibility to take part in a guided hike or to explore the moor in a horse-drawn carriage is given by arrangement. More info: 04835-453


Ernst Schatt


Hey in English speaking prospective customer,

we are no professional translators. Thus the translated text here and there may sound a little bit rough.


We believe, nevertheless, that everybody understands what we want to say.

